A cookery blog of sex

People Like Us, as the title implies is a blog for people like us whose sex and romantic lives don’t conform to conventions.

For too long sex has been treated as a forbidden, taboo subject. These days there are some bloggers, vloggers, writers, influencers and presenters who are starting to talk about sex in an everyday way, but there are not enough. We are going to add to the number and hope to encourage more to join. We DON’T start from the assumption that deep down everybody wants to be in committed two person partnership that leads to children and family life. We want to celebrate the range and diversity of sexuality and sexual relationships that people like us can enjoy.

Why do we say a cookery blog of sex? Well, sex is a bodily function just like eating. At a base level we need both to exist. We need to ingest and digest food everyday in order for our bodies to survive and we need sex for our species to survive. But of course we know that both food and sex are about a lot more than just survival. They can also be about enjoyment. And unless you are greedy or have a psychological disorder there is nothing wrong with enjoying them fully.

There is a whole industry about food, cooking and eating. Food and cookery-shows dominate many TV schedules, books about food growing, preparation, cooking and eating make up large sections of bookshops and libraries. We actively encourage people to try new things in food, to develop wider tastes, to learn and experiment… We are saying the same should be true about sex.

There are some religious traditions and taboos concerning food, but nobody assumes those traditions and taboos should apply to everybody. We don’t all have to confine ourselves to Halal or Kosha food just because ‘some’ people do. There can be ethical discussions about vegetarianism and veganism but apart from a few extremists, not many people prohibit discussion about the pros and cons of any particular diet. Rather, reams and reams are written about how to get the best out of the style of food you prefer and enjoy. We think sex should be written about in the same way.

Of course, we know that there are all sorts of religious rules and taboos attached to sex which have been passed down the generations. We think most of those rules are archaic and ridiculous. We do not live our lives according to such ancient, outdated and irrelevant beliefs and this blog is not intended for people who do. If you are likely to be offended, you should leave, nobody is forcing you to stay.

We want this blog to serve a similar purpose to cookery blogs. We want to teach you how to prepare various sensual delights… How to spice up things you are used to… We want to answer questions about common interests and problems… We want to suggest new sexual recipes… We want to tell you how to get the best of various ingredients and how to find them… We want to interest you in things you haven’t yet tried. We want to suggest tools you could use and teach you how to care for them. We also want to share stories and recipes with our readers and let our readers share things with us. We also want to have a good laugh about mistakes we have made and see if we can learn anything from them.

And who are we to be giving advice? There will be more info on our “About Us” page but in short; we are two women in our twenties; a nurse and a veterinarian student. We are a bisexual couple in an open relationship. We don’t have any degrees or qualifiactions in sex, but we do have a fair amount of experience! 😉

We are hoping people will ask questions and suggest things for us to research and write about. We will try to organise readers questions in a more orderly way at some point but for now feel free to ask questions in the comments section below.

While we both enjoy many forms of pornography and are not shy about it, this blog is not the place to publish or share pornographic images. Anyone who tries to leave such material here will be deleted and banned. (We will put some suggestive and erotic images in some of our posts but will try not to include anything which breaks WordPress rules).

We are bisexual and we welcome readers and comments from all parts of the LGBTQ+ spectrum. While we might dicuss some topics which are a bit controversial inside and outside the LGBTQ+ community; we will not allow any prejudice or hate speech in this blog. It is a safe space where all friendly adults are welcome.

We hope you find your time here interesting and entertaining.

Stay safe and have fun!

4 thoughts on “A cookery blog of sex

  1. Reblogged this on Devil's Advocates and commented:
    An open and honest blog about sex for those who have less conventional lifestyles is an idea that Sophie and I have toyed with occasionally. And now Léonie and her friend Louise have gone ahead and done it! Perhaps it always needed a younger more modern edge than us middle aged folk could manage. We wish them every success with it. ❤️

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I am so pleased to discover this site. Leonie666 thank you for opening up new possibilities for people like me.if there is any way you would consider emailing me, my email is in the form provided. I would like to offer some of my graphic and writing skills to you and help attract more people. I am a bi deviant male and I honor Satan. I hope I will hear from you by email. And again, thank you for your boldness. Gary

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Hi Gary. I don’t see any email or form. For now this is a project for Lou-Lou and myself and we are hesitant to enter into email discussion with our readers. Questions and comments within the blog are welcome and we might use (and reference) them to inspire future posts. Maybe when we are more established, we might open up to other writers including you. Meanwhile we hope you enjoy what we do here and we welcome your suggestions and questions.


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